Lemon in your beauty routine

Apart from the usefulness of lemon in your food, it is necessary for the care of your face and your body. See how you can use it for your beauty!

  • You can use it to illuminate the face and skin. Place a few drops of lemon on a cotton ball and dab your face. 
  • Add it to your water (warm is better) and drink it. Unless it' s an antioxidant, it great moisturizes your skin and makes it more radiant and luminous. The same happens and at your yellowed nails. After rub with lemon they will again gain their perfect color. 
  • You can also use it at your hair. Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice in a cup of water and pour it at your hair. Rinse after a few minutes or you can have what is left over. 
  • Lemon juice is known to cause natural teeth whitening, and also gives the lost shine at dry hair. 
  • Finally you can also use it on your pimples. If you rub a half or a quarter of a lemon on your face and then rinse with water, you will realize that your skin will soften and reduce clogged pores. This is also an ideal natural scrub for the face. Try it and the results will be amazing!