Home Tips: 5 unexpected uses of baby talc you certainly didn't not know!

The baby powder that keeps the skin of babies soft, can be an ally to ... renew your clothes and clean the house!

Talc is not only a cosmetic product for babies, but also a valuable assistant to super cleanliness!

See 5 more unexpected uses:

1. Removes ants:

Place a little baby powder where do you think is the source of the ants ... or where you see that gather most of the time these bugs. By this way you will manage to keep them away from your home by the most painless way!

2. Cleaner for Pets:

If you run out of special shampoo for your pet, simply mix a dry shampoo with a little powder and take care of your pet giving it an incredible smell and shiny fur.

3. Removes bad smell from shoes:

If your favorite shoes began to have a bad odor, put inside them enough talc and let the entire evening so.The next morning the smell will be disappeared.

4. Cleans the stain of oil:

Once soiled, place a little talc on your clothes and leave it for some time. You'll see that once you get it out of the cloth, the persistent stain will be absorbed without rubbing for hours ...

5. Make your old book look like new:

If the pages of your favorite book have begun to be destroyed by moisture, sprinkle them with a little talc powder and leave the book closed for 1 day. Once opened it will look like new even if you had it from when you were a kid ...