9 simple tips are enough to always look your best in the pictures! See what these tips are ...
1. Powder
It is the number one cosmetic that you need and perhaps the most necessary for beautiful skin. Caution, you don' t want to look like "paper", but natural. So apply powder at zone T which has tendency to oiliness.
2. Mascara
The aim is to make your eyes look bigger and the eyelashes to look singled. Put enough mascara on your lashes. Avoid black pencil on the lower lid because it will make your eyes look smaller or replace it with white pencil will have exactly the opposite effect!
3. Bronzer
Even if you put a little blush, you will look white because of the flash, so apply a bronze powder to give a little color on your skin.
4. Tone your eyebrows
Eyebrows are the frame of your eyes. With pencil or shadow fill the gaps, tone slightly their length and slightly tone the corner! The last tip would lift eyebrows will give the illusion that your eyes are megalyetera.
5. Lip gloss
Your lips will look bigger, which helps balance the proportions of the face, but more juicy. Ιn whole, makes makeup look more fresh!
6. Hair
Because of heat and smoke, hair usually frizz will and lose their volume and shape. If you're a professional that 's an issue. So, to avoid a bad picture ,the trick is in your bag! Have a tiny brush with you and just one move may is enough to fix the problem!
7. Smile
Apart from other things, women who make beautiful pictures -if you ever noticed- usually don' t smile , or smile a little! Don' t grim, but you don' t need have the smile of a little child, because failure is guaranteed! A light smile is perfect, and it would seem good if your teeth where a little shown up. If they are straight and white of course! Alternatively, you can send kisses, or have the tongue out, but these are risky because they probably ended up graphic!
8. It's all about body posture
Another skill that have photogenic women, is that they know their best body and face posture! Everyone has a good and a less good angle! Spend one day enought time in the mirror, it is said that 's a difficult work, and find out your best profile & angles, and in what posture your legs look like those of Irina Shayk, well that very difficult! It is no coincidence that the majority of women who make good pictures, are in fact less beautiful than they look! Poses make the difference ...!
9. Camera angle
Camera's position when shooting is important. Proved the photos made from above, are always much more flattering. First do not show in detail the body, so any imperfections are covered and the other face and hair for some odd reason, show much better than they really are! But if you want taller legs, keep camera lower! Try what you it looks better!