Who said that artifacts should be complicated? We prove the opposite! With a little string, glue and a simple balloon you too can build a quick and easy lamp or candle to decorate your home. Find out how below!
Step - Step | |
Materials you will need:
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You start inflating the balloon you. Just how big a balloon will determine the size of your lamp. Then, the pen and the base of the paint paper tape on the upper and the lower side of the balloon your contour of the base. Be carefull framing the two symmetrical circles. | Stretch your newspapers and thinned with a little bit of water to your glue in a bowl. With the brush through your lots of glue around the entire balloon.Be careful not to glue drips on you! |
Catch up with your one finger the string and start to wrap around the balloon until it is covered well throughout. It helps to start from the top and you move circularly around. | It is very important, as will wrap the twine take care not to pass through any of the two circles that drew with the pen in your top and bottom of the balloon.Continue to wrap until the dense grid as you like. The more string you put the more stable will be the lamp yourself. |
When you're done wrapping, you must place the edge somewhere in the web of string. Don't need to make a knot. With the brush through your once generous amounts of glue diluted with water, so to cover the string well and at all points. | I leave the lamp to dry thoroughly for about 24 hours on the basis of paper tape. To prevent you hang in there you can put a little clear film. When dry the twine run away balloon with a pin and light you are ready! You can use it as a candle holder or to put shower and hang it in your room! sourse: http://www.ftiaxto.gr/ |